Punch Your Way Through IELTS Speaking Part One!  

Welcome, IELTS contenders! If you’re looking to conquer the first round of the IELTS Speaking test, you’re in for a treat. In this guide, we’ll show you the ropes of Speaking Part One, arming you with tips and examples that pack a punch. But wait, there’s more! For an even deeper dive into success strategies, make sure to check out our IELTS Kapow! eBook, “IELTS Blackbelt Speaking” Let’s dive into the ring and learn how to jab your way to a high score in Part One.

Tip 1: Know Your Opponent – Understand the Part 1 Game: 

Part One is like the opening round of a boxing match – a chance to feel out the terrain. Learn to recognize the common types of part one questions, and how to answer in the correct verb tense using appropriate transitions and native-like expressions. Both open and closed questions are used in part one; It’s important to understand how to extend your answer for each type. Open questions are mainly based on “Wh” questions, so you will naturally need to include some details in your response. However, for closed questions, you will need to actively add more details, such as reason or example, to your initial short answer response.

Ex. Do you like sport?

“Yes, (I do)/No, (I don’t)” (Initial short answer response).

“Yes, I do. Particularly tennis and badminton as they’re great for all-round fitness and really help me to stay in shape..” (Extended response)

Tip 2: Craft Your Opening Jab – Get to grips with discourse markers:   

Your opening response should be a powerful jab, setting the stage for the rest of the bout. Let’s have a look at a few examples..


 “Well, as for me”:

  • “Well, as for me, I really enjoy spending my free time outdoors. Whether it’s hiking in the mountains or just taking a leisurely stroll in the park, I find it refreshing.”

 “Personally speaking”:

  • “Personally speaking, I believe that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial. Regular exercise and a balanced diet contribute significantly to overall well-being.”

 “For me personally”:

  • “For me personally, staying connected with friends and family is essential. Whether through video calls or social gatherings, maintaining those relationships brings a sense of great joy to my life.”

 Agreement/ Emphatic Markers (to emphasize/ convey a sense of  certainty):

  • “For sure”
  • “Absolutely”
  • “Definitely”


  • “Do you think breakfast is important?”
  • “Yes, for sure, when I was growing up my dad would always tell me it’s the most important meal of the day, and I think that’s very true…
  • “Do you enjoy traveling?”
  • Absolutely! I love exploring new places and experiencing different cultures.”
  • “Do you like music”
  • Definitely! I’m a massive fan of music as I’m a musician. Music is what I live for, it’s what keeps me going through difficult times…..”

 Interjections (can be used to convey honesty or emphasize a point):

  • “In all honesty”/ “To be honest”
  • “To tell you the truth”/ “In truth”
  • “Without a doubt”/ “Of course” (agreement markers)
  • “Not at all”/ “Not in the slightest” (disagreement)


  • “Do you like your job?”
  • “In all honesty, both yes and no, as I find it rather challenging due to the long hours, but I really enjoy interacting with the clients………”
  • “How do you usually deal with challenges in your everyday life?”
  • “To tell you the truth, not that well. I tend to get a bit stressed out when problems arise because my life is so busy…”
  • “Do you like shopping?”
  • “Of course, like most women I love nothing more than a spot of retail therapy..
  • “Are you the type of person who likes to stay at home”
  • “Not at all, in fact I hate it! I feel really trapped when I can’t go outside….”

  Tip 3: Shadow Boxing with Vocabulary – Elevate Your Lexical Resource: Throw in some sophisticated vocabulary and phrases to demonstrate the depth of your language proficiency. Try to paraphrase some of the questions, and include topic related collocations (words that are naturally paired together.

 Example: “I have a passion for exploring classic English literature, and love nothing  more than immersing myself in the storylines and enchanting characters of writers  such as Charles Dickens”

 Tip 4: Dodging Pronunciation Blows – Mastering Clear Articulation:  Pronunciation is your guard against misunderstandings. Train your tongue to deliver words with precision and clarity. Learn how to intonate different word forms, and words with a number of syllables. Listen to native English speakers and imitate their intonation and word stress, and use similar patterns to add emphasis to parts of your answers. Practice using this natural intonation to express your thoughts and feelings in part one and record yourself, so you can listen back and make corrections. Additionally focus on blending sounds and using chunking for more fluid speech.

Tip 5: Counter Punch with Cohesion – Organize Your Thoughts: Your responses should flow seamlessly. Organize your thoughts logically, connecting one idea to the next. As a basic framework you can use the acronym AREA= Answer, Reason, Example, (Addition)

Example: “In my leisure time, I enjoy reading, which ties back to my fascination with diverse cultures. For example, I’ve read a lot of books by European and Asian philosopher, and international novelists. Exploring literature allows me to gain cultural insight and learn about a range of unique perspectives.

Congratulations, you’ve just sparred through some essential strategies for acing IELTS Speaking Part One! But here’s the secret weapon – “IELTS Blackbelt Speaking.” This eBook is your ringside coach, offering in-depth insights, advanced strategies, and a plethora of examples to take your performance to the next level. Don’t just jab; deliver a knockout punch with the comprehensive guidance found in our eBook. Dive in, practice hard, and let the IELTS Kapow! “IELTS Blackbelt Speaking” be your champion’s corner. It’s time to lace up those gloves and punch your way to IELTS success!

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